Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What of the internal compass of man?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

We all depend on each other.
Even a fish has the world at their needs...constants in our cycles of life
It all has a beginning
an internal compass

It by Him is gained

That knowledge
Through waters murky.
Following become routine
our way became unclear.

Without instruction
lost masses caught up in a surge

exchange of the eternal
things shine as gold
pretty smiles to tempt us

Is our compass just for show
or a pretense of our private hours.Man made courses search a way upstream
For the rivers run choked
in the schemes of man

We reckon with maps
for a better wayGiven steps we climb
a delusion
White waters forces
a mighty foe holds us back

press on


Compass true
guild our way

For others we fish
Real them in

But ask...
The intent of the catch?
Degrees easily off
a course that is trueChildren capture unknowing
for power and praise

We age then degrees now infinite
mastered into deception

Old men who humor capturing goals

Thus killing the wisdom of Elders
In all sorts of arrogant ways
So lost without compass
we become an others' prey
Lost with out compass
Jumping into jaws that devour

We then bitten hard
as a meal consumed
But...Oh those travelers
Who face currents head strong
Fighting all odds compass true
Fighting for me for you.

Find yee your compass
Choose well a set course.For who you set course with you will come to be known.
Be they a common or your bother your friend

Even to gain a perfect devise
A high tech direction...
what will it gain you?At the end destination achieved

Studied well
usage distracting from the inner guied

Lay it all down
Surrounded in the glory of honorable men

Lashing waters alone
come to HimYour legacy
Setting them begin
By will to be living

Or forced out into the world to begin
A meal for others
It is the greatest of gains to give all to Him

But lay me down now
in the end
Muscle and scale will I fly from

Saved for the life that continues with out end
Will I have fed a belly with goodness
or rotted as carrion
on side of the steam
for the vultures and skunks to feast upon
as many have done

Then in the end

The love you give
is equal to the love

That you live
Sound compass
only in Him...

Those that I live love for
May carry again out to sea
Inner compass
may I plant now within them.

Set with intent purposed to be
When from these spawning tides
They enter the world to begin

The Salmon can find home from a knowing.
What of the nternal compass of man?


Denise said...

You have my permission to share the 4th of July post..... I got it from a friend via email..... Touched my heart so yes girl friend ..... post it for more people to see!

Love ya..

Will be back latter to read and comment on your post!

Denise said...

Awesome words spoken here my friend, love you.

Denise said...

I will have to say that the compass that the Father God gave us is the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us... without HIM we would be as the fish out of water...... How deep are you my friend , how deep are you! I had to read this twice to understand your thoughts..... wonderful !

Susie said...

I really liked this post! I read the compass as a metaphour for our conscience. We know what is the right way to go...we just have to listen to our conscience or look at our compass.

Older women likewise teach the younger women...

• how to love their husbands
• how to love their children
• how to be self-controlled
• how to be pure
• how to be keepers at home
• how to be kind and submissive (not subservient) to their own husbands. (See Titus 2:3-5)

Blog Archive

By Maya Angelou

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean living,'
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain...
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Words have power. Here are a few of my favorite sayings.

  • A warm cup of tea is like a cuddle with a friend.
  • The North American Indians have a more eloquent word for ‘friend’ than we do in English. In their language, the word for friend literally means, “the one who carries my sorrows on his back.”
  • Return with Honor
  • The sage anticipates things that are difficult while they are easy, and does things that would become great while they are small. All difficult things in the world are sure to arise from a previous state in which they were easy, and all great things from one in which they were small. Therefore the sage, while he never does what is great, is able on that account to accomplish the greatest things."
  • “Live so that when your children hear these words they think of you… Fairness Caring Integrity Honesty Love Trust.”
  • "O Lord help my words to be gracious and tender today, for tomarrow I may have to eat them."
  • "No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes"
To The Ends Of The Earth
Sisters by Heart

Click here for all crafts

e patterns My sister told me of this site

Please pray for her parents and family

Please pray for her parents and family
Amy has clicked her heals and flown to her real home. There is no place like home.

This was given to me for the third time in just a few weeks.

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
"For the LORD your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song."

Thank You Ross

Getting to know Me

What warm hearts you all offer

Thank you all for the kindness you have shown me with every Award. I am embraced. You Are a blessing.

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Annette they are beautiful
Thank You Annette
neno award from Kat

Autism Awareness