Life is a series of battles. A saga of thrift and wisdom, of character and resiliency. How battles are fought and won is a study of history rich in knowledge. Here are two of our most recent.
Dash a son of my heart and a child of virtue gained.
Yesterday when I was in my kitchen I looked at my egg jar of funds and had a moment of pause. It was a moment in time when I herd within me a "heads up". Nothing was different, it was just a "heads up" sort of feeling. Throughout the day my sweet son was eager to earn funds helping me a round the house with tasks. School was attended and then later after homework was being accomplished , he shared his desire to go to the store. He had his heart set on a Lego toy. I thought it not to strange at first. I was reclining awaiting our trip to gather two gifts for parties upcoming when it just hit me "ask where he got that much money from?" See Daddy man and I at times reward the kids with tokens of earnings here and there.
So when little man Dash came and sat beside me all chipper and eager to travel, I asked him>>>"Son where did you get $13. from, It just seamed way too much for the time frame of earnings...?"...
His face shown guilt like an perfect example of such emote...then he replied>>>"Well you know that jar in the cupboard..." I then asked..."was it yours to have?"...
he lowered his gaze "No...I'm sorry"...
I then said that it was my money and that he took it from me.
That he stole from me.
He chimed ..."I'll put it back..."
"Oh yes you will put it back, it is not yours to have." I said, keeping my cool.
I then told him to go to his room. I prayed and thought a moment.
He returned. "Mom I am sorry and I will never do it again"
I then asked him " Dash...how much is your character worth?"
Silently he left the room.
He returned again and I told him that I forgave him , yet this was not over. that what he did was serious and that I will be speaking with his Father and that we sould determine his consequence.
Just then Daddy man came in. We spoke about this. What was the lesson we wanted Dash to gain.
This is what we decided to do.
I called him in and we spoke about temptation, and resistance. He needed help understanding the concept of resistance. We spoke of how to resist is to make a choice to do what was right when tempted to do the opposite. That it was opposite to temptation.
We then told him our concern was for his overall character. His consequence was to do three things right in secrete before God, not to tell anyone he was doing it. We told him how God saw him take the money and warned me that he was going to be tempted so that I would be prepared to teach him. God sees and all that we so both right and wrong (avoiding the use of the words good and bad) and he saw ans will see him exercise doing what is right before god. Then Dash is to write it out on a paper and show only us. and that it will be over.
Chose right and resist doing what is wrong for you will always be before God your maker.
Daddy and I both were so grateful and humbled by this child's willingness and quick repentance. A repentance apart from shame that removes the guilt once recognized.
I wept when I went in to the kitchen thinking how it could have been for me if only my parents would have been able to afford me that gift. I really feel so touched by the way we were able to handle it.
While this was going on I had a little girl who was being very sharped tongued all afternoon. She even threw her backpack at me declaring "I hate these braces!"...
I responded with a boundary of "It sounds like you had a real hard day, I know that braces must be hard to have, but your bather and I invested into the beautiful smile that you are going to be left with when it is all over"...
She continued to be a bit biting out of character for Dove.
I said I see you do not like math, I am sorry it is hard for you, but I have had enough! Stop being mean toward me." and I just calmly left the room.
She struggles so hard with simple subtraction. So very far behind because of her disability. I left the room and went in on my bed and began to just pray for her. That God would help her to overcome and to calm down so she could more easily think. I heard the back door close, then I saw her from my bedroom window after the door closed a second time. She was emptying the recycle trash! I almost cried with pride. A moment later she was at the bedroom door and said..."The Trash was full Mom so I emptied it"...Now this was the first time she had ever done so!
I told her " I know I saw you just now and my heart fills so full just like a big hug..."
She twilled around with release of guilt and went back to her home work. I am crying over it even now. To see the repentant change and the freedom of excessive shame and guilt that I and so many others were raised under.
I laid there on my bed and just praised God for somehow making me able to understand and love the way she needed me to. I am standing humbly grateful for the wisdom.
Later last night she came to me...with this

Open when Dad is here>
On the bus on the way home she was called...

Now how does a mother and a father overcome this...
We know each child will have to work through these experiences.
When a child is so naive and sweet as our Dove.
She is not jaded like her peers. (not yet)
Daddy Man handled it for I was a bit worn from the Dash thing and the injection stress.
I go get a shot in my knee in 2 hours and last night I got a little overwhelmed with it all and the surgery coming up next
Friday. I was too tender and not focused well enough to address it. Daddy man spent time with his little pricess and tendered her heart like only a loving daddy can. It was just right. I will continue to strengthen her as I am able too.

Victor from the grocery called and I went up to get this for the chickens after I dropped off Maud.
I was sad because I really loved that silly looking bird. He crowed several times this morning there was no longer any doubt about his gender. Maud the rooster is at the feed store and I sit a bit sad at needing to let him go. I now have 6 chickens (4 of the 10 were roosters)

I bagged the produce and feed the chicken, the dogs were interested in the produce. My Golden found a carrot to her liking and the lad tasted cabbage but was not impressed. The golden ate a bit of the hard center of the cabbage. I will compost the rest. The guys at the store were great I can get this every day if I want. I just might get another box for the compost, however with the injection in my knee today I will be slowed down a little for a few days perhaps. I am a bit sad about that too.

It was cool to see the animals looking into the greens. The chickens like purple cabbage but not green.

I have to take a shower soon. I am concerned about my hand and my hip, I was supposed to have the other knee checked and worked on last year but I was just too overwhelmed after the surgery on the right knee. I think I am sad about having this joint pain. I am really at peace about my life and family and love. My love he is so sweet. I hate having health issues . I am so strong of spirit and the weekness of body slows down my true heart. I see him concerned about me and I just want to be strong. He is so thoughtful. He spoke to me compassionatly of the loss of Maud. He knows I really liked that silly bird. He also held me as a little panic over the injection flushed through me last night. He even told me he would be praying for me today. I really like being loved by him. This degeneration in my hand concerns me so I will speak with the doctor about it. I think I am a little scared of needing an injection of steroid in that joint as well. Nope cant go there!
God is Good I am rambleing and you no doubt are praying for me.
Thank you.
Please remenber Dove and Dash as well and my Dear Beloved. This little family of mine means so much to me. I do not ever want to loose the ability to take good care of them ...of all of us.
I dont know why I am crying or even why I should think I need to appoligize for it.
It is all GOOD. ;{
I just dont like getting shots in my knee!
It hurts!
It will feel a lot better in a few days though!
enough...Loving you