1. I got to have an appointment at my dentist within 15 minutes of when the major pain hit.He took an x-ray the tooth saw the infection (no charge) and a RX for penicillin, then 5 minutes later I was at the surgeons office who did the re-do root canal last November, He took a much clearer x-ray (no charge) and gave me a quote on the tooth worse case and the options I had. That was all on Friday afternoon and I was home minutes before the children arrived home from school.
2. Tuesday we (Steve was with me) had the surgery, and it was not the worse case and there was a $400.ish difference in charges.
3. The insurance denied the crown that was done in January on that tooth. The charge remaining was around $400.
4. At the end of March we refinance the house taking a 22 year loan down to a 15 year load and increased our payment around 150. per month. One and a half points lower in interest, $500. fee that was refunded to us at the conclusion along with another $300. ish
We got a free months no mortgage while it was in process,
5. The Quote for the worse case was within $1. of the mortgage payment we did not have to pay for April. So the surgery and the crown payoff, three Rx's for the tooth all came to within $20. of the mortgage payment we did not have to pay. NO DEBT.
The other $300 refund well get this, Dove gets her braces off in 2 weeks, the payoff...$294.50
Daddy man saved me.
Radish were planted this week but that is about it for the summer garden. I think God has plans for a little holiday. It will need little if any care. I will miss the fresh produce
Food for the sore of mouth
I had just "happened" to get some of this days before the unexpected surgery!
6. My in laws had an amazing event...
Steve's dad (an elder gentleman) went out to get the newspaper Sunday morning, There was black glass all over the driveway. He called Steve's mom out to get a picture of it. As she stood by the vehicle taking the shoot she looked up started to see a man lifting his head up sitting in the drivers seat of the vehicle! She had the presence of mind to snap an image! So the police were called and within the broken glass was a $100. a $20, and a $10. bills.
The police came and took a description and she realized she had the picture and was to down load it, and eventually the police came to get it, Meanwhile they arrested the guy 2 blocks away. She does not even have to testify! They had his picture at the wheel!!!!
The Police called her brave and present of mind and were so impressed by her, as we all are.
7. This list may be Long but these are the things we are to speak of.
Dove had her first tween fit, she had error-ed and got real angry and raged and raged with those "I hate you " type things really hitting below the belt with words, and in the middle of it we both kept CALM! It was so cool. Then mid sentence of "I hate you!" We heard foot falls coming at me...with this jaw I was guarded and then she threw her arms around me and "I love you, I don't hate you, I'm sorry Mommy"!
Draw a tear for you too? all over in around 30 minutes you moms know that that must be some kind of record for a teen.
8. I am harvesting poppy seeds and the bag is half full of pods. Today I remembered a dream I had a "some day I wish I could.." I have always wished I could walk country roads, or forest trails and toss wild flower seed.
It dawned on me...and I am going to toss wild flowers along the roadways that I travel commonly. Then years from now the kids will say..."my mom threw those seeds out". The flowers will bring beauty to a world with so little of it. It might even bring joy to someone who needs it.
I have a paper shopping bag almost 3/4 full of pod. I guess a good 2 cups worth of seed. There is more to harvest yet. It is so peaceful harvesting it. The weather is perfect for it.
Funny, notice the game in the back ground Dove and I played last night
Speaking of boy and the freezer.
9. We had an experience of boy meets freezer power switch and the unit had a lot of frozen blocks in it like these. there were some in the sub zero unit as well. It saved our hides. So remember to fill up your units with ice for it is cheaper to power a full freezer than a part empty one.
10. Yesterday I was able to finish the budget forms for this year up until May. I have funds to fill these empty freezers left in this months budget! I have shopped VERY little this month.
So under the fort was a whole, the kids + shovel = bigger hole.
I wanted to plant a lemon tree, I am not able to dig right now:)
See even when the kids are up to mischief the Lord has a way of using it
My Dalia's did come up, that is the only thing I got planted here in time
11. The back lawn is a mess. The knowledge dropped in my lap at a grand parent of Dash's friend as to how to bring it back. I had begun research on saving the hard panned yard. This grandpa knew and told me how to do it! So an appointment is set with a local gardener to come to do the hard labor of running an air-irater (it takes 1x2 inch plugs out of the ground). I will then fill it with gypsum and sand myself next week!
The man was outside across the street, Steve and I just spoke last night about asking him how much it would cost for him to do the work. There he was today!
post script... I need to water the lawn/yard for the job...It is to rain for the next two days!
Well It could go on and on...Thank God for this wonderful life!