Trusting the walk by Spirit not just by sight.
It is really happening. In six days my daughter and I will be boarding to fly to England!
This trip started out as an opportunity to build a lasting memory with my daughter. It was so exciting to think of all the teaching moments with her. It is an opportunity to try to instill all the things that time may not permit me. My time may be shorter that other mothers get. It is a thrill to have this chance to get to really know her heart too. She is amazingly kind and a delightful innocence not burned by prejudice, she delights in life.
I have my ivig on Monday. Most everything is done except a few things around here.
I told my daughter four months ago to dream and not to just dismiss her heart. We are invited to stay in a home for three weeks. Wow her heart heard and her faith in hope built.
My health is strong and I resting and preparing.
Listen to your heart. All around me the rules and fears and doubts almost lost my joy over the trip.
My sweet daughter does high school on line at home. She met and befriended a medically bed bound teen who also did school at home. The group of friends shared hopes and after a few months my daughter became closer to this dear young man. We skyped his parents and grandmother. It is his grandmother who is so dearly grateful to my daughter for bringing her grandson back to health. Their friendship gave the kids a future mindset. They both finished the grade yr and the young man was even able to do his testing.
My daughters heart healed another and gave a hope for a future.
It is the kindness of her heart, not the fears of evil that is to be witnessed here. Yet those who are so afraid of error made me second guess my own heart to a state of torment. I was and have been so afraid that I was a horrible mother to take her to England. That I was putting her in danger or harms way. That is the farthest thing from my heart. I have a release seeing that I as mother to this amazing young woman am due some credit for following the spirit above the seeming rules of fear.
We are blessed to go to England and stay for three weeks as guest. I trust in my heart that this is an adventure of faith and beauty. Opening ones life to the wonders of opportunity God sets before us.
Whether for a moment a reason or a lifetime these two teens will meet in person. My daughter will be celebrated for the wonderful friendship and kindness that gained another back his strength to hope again.
Both of the young adults are looking to the future, to education and employment one day. Someday perhaps to become engaged to marriage. It may be a moment or it could be a lifetime. I have witnessed an amazing relationship where they build each other up. They encourage each other to follow what is right within their own hearts. He plans another four years education as does she hope to attend college.
After six months of daily skype they will meet face to face.
I am highly thought of by his people yet it seems our own doubt and fear leaving me to even doubt my own heart. They are so very excited that we are coming. There are celebrations and events that they are tending to for us.
My daughter grieves that when Tom flys home with us for the three weeks that all he will encounter is suspension and assumptions that sex is involved. How hurtful and sad that that is for my daughter that she is thought so little of. These are people who deserve LOVE not petty judgements. I will do my best to example that love to them.
We are excited to take the family to the Grand Canyon and all. Toms health now is good, his family is very grateful that we will show him a little bit of America. It is Toms hope to one day have a good education and come to the US and have a good job to take care of his duties well. We have a separate bedroom for him and I will be here with them.
When we look upon another life and see evil perhaps it is the evil within us that is the true enemy to be faced. That we might face it all and learn to love our own self to become better able to truly love others.