Summer morning
Dash has a room for teenage years to come. The dark blue sheets and new blue blanket ($5 at Wally's) All of his toys are sorted into the bins on the shelves. Steve and I found a full 8" mattress and put it on the top of the car to drive it home. What an adventure.
We have an extra kid today. Dash still has one of the old twin mattresses (to the right) and we were able to fit it on the floor. Good for sleep overs. The air mattress did not work for the kid was a bit to heavy for it. Makes me consider keeping it for sleep overs.
At last my car is back in the garage. We had the contents of my boys room out here. We found a family in need of the beds and the toys are all sorted now. We invested $160 and had limo tinting put on the back of the Saturn. The front windows are lighter for legal reasons. This car is so much cooler now. The AC cools it fast. Now that it will again be garaged for the summer the quality of auto transport will be greatly improved. Our cars here can get deadly hot inside when parked in the sun. They get heat soaked and take a very long while to cool down. When in a garage and limo tinted summer trips will be much more pleasant. So the 1996 Saturn looks like a cool car now, not a granny car any longer.
We have not taken many images this year. Perhaps it is the camera lack luster. The replacement is just not a clear image taker.
We have two bunnies. Steve walked out to see this little fellow. I had watered the apple tree. It must of been cool to lay there. We did a rigged up cop and enclosure a real joke of sorts the critters all get out.
Poor mans style. WE will someday have a better fence I trust.
That is my bunny, Sable. She is so sweet. Fast little thing.
With our temps in the triple digits the windows are closed to help keep the house cooler. We shut down at 1p.m. for the electrics go up almost double.
With the pain syndrome an issue my study into aromatherapy has taken more of an effort. Some used to help with stress, sleep and even pain. Through air and massage I hope to help myself and my family through the study.
God is my healer and has provided everything i need. Therapy is including some Eastern methods of acupuncture and dry needling to stop the muscles from referring. The PTSD from my youth has left lasting issues. It may be an influence to the pain.
This is also an interest of mine. Stones do have properties that change or influence. God created the world and has an infinite love toward us and all that he created. It is easy for some folks to blow this off but the more I bead and handle these stones it has really convinced me. The Indians and ancients understood this.
Sporting a summer pedicure
My day began
Mom Muffins with egg, sausage and cheese. No Mayo for this one No egg for another. Apple juice, grape juice for me please. We have a mid day switch over for me to go to therapy and the kids to friends houses.
Speaking of friends, a good idea for summer is to have a list of phone numbers of friends for the kids to call. Then they can just independently reach out. Something I have not been very good about lately.
My infusion came this morning for tomorrow. It is getting so hot and I told the lady ice it good. The ice was almost thawed out. I got the phone number of the delivery diver, she changed the timing of delivery. It was always at 8 a.m. but she is new and has to do the paperwork and office duties so now I know if not by 9:30 to call her. Peace of mind knowing that it is ready and safe from the heat will give peace.
Life is good. Tomato plants are thriving.
The heat is hard on them and the watering being a bit irregular has caused them to split.
The old umbrellas help.
That is all there is in the garden. Perhaps next year it can flourish. Steve may want it dismantled because keeping up with it on my own is just too hard now my strength is limited. HE really hates yard work. I just need to be rich and hire a gardener assistant to do the physical work I once did. :)