Another week of online school
We are getting the swing of things here. The independence is beautiful! They are growing in so many many abilities. We had one very hard day where I was almost ready to throw in the towel but like any good mom I endured the test. Oh boy was I tested.
With a kid that has so many lingering special needs Dash pushed me to the point that on Tuesday after the dentist ( a new $$$ crown) I did not want to even come home for a few hours. I stayed out and grocery shopped and walked around a book store for a long calming while.
When I returned it was all honeymoon with him and has been ever since. We ended the week on a good note.
Infusion tomorrow so I am dragging some. Sleep eluded me until after 3 a.m. last night.
Dove has her first dance tonight or rather this afternoon at the Jr High. In just an hour and a half she needs to be dressed and out the door. Dash has a probable sleep over tonight. So it will just be Steve and I in the morning when my nurse Ashley arrives. She is bringing my sweet Steward the canary a mate for free. Ashley's Mother has a few extra females. This may endear Stewey to us for he can rip the flesh off your eardrum if given a chance.
God Provides
the principle said Dove could attend
a bird perhaps we will call her Stella
grapefruit, lemons, tangelos
a 35 pound bag of dog food, note that the bags have now become 29pounds at the same price.
flowers in the yard
Buy one get one shoe pair half off. A child got a new pair of shoes and was startled that she could get them. This was a friend of Dove's. Her face when I said I would cover her...priceless. Two 14 yr old with new shoes, best friends receiving at the same time. It felt so good to be able to do it.