Saturday, January 17, 2009

With all my mind , strength, heart, soul...

I wrote a letter to a friend this morning and I thought of the passage that says... admit your faults to one another that you might pray for one another and be healed. I saw a great fault this morning in prayer that I think I am not alone in. It is a great hurt to all of us. Perhaps you can relate. Perhaps we can pray for one another that we might all be healed. What a powerhouse that army of Joshua's became. Just because they Were courageous and did not allow themselves to be dismayed.

My Friend I hear your heart like mine afraid. I will tell you of my morning laying in my bed late into the dawn. Beloved tended the children and gave me the early morning off. Yesterday I was searching the scriptures for a passage that lives within me yet dormant due to fear. Then I came across this Joshua 1:7-9 Here is Joshua getting ready for the responsibility of his life... I thought about poor Moses it was his fear that set him up to get angry, strike the stone and NEVER enter into to the very thing that up until then he had laid down his life for. He a stutterer a man so bold as to walk up to Pharaoh. I thought this morning about my life. I was bold , a stutterer and afraid I walked in courage in the very presence of God, then fear of man, suffering and loss took me . Now I think about Joshua's example. For all of the scripture is an example unto us. Only be Strong and very courageous;be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have Success wherever you go.

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success Have I not commanded you?

and courageous!
Do not tremble or be dismayed,
For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

It was then that Joshua assumes command.
I stand convicted, even knowing that the deepest of my wounds were mostly self inflicted. Where did my heart go? Where have I been? You opened my eyes to the darkness and lies and I closed them again. I want to go home to my Father, I want to go back to where my heart says I belong. I want to wash my wherry soul in living water. I been away far to long I want to go home. (lyrics from a song I know)

This will be my prayer for all of them, all of us.

Now I know that the law has been fulfilled in this.

Mark 12:29-31
The foremost is , "Hear Oh Israel the Lord is one Lord;
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with with all your strength.

The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as your self
There is no other commandment greater than these.
Now I understand...All my strength
be courageous.
Do not tremble or be dismayed.
For the lord our God is with us wherever we go.


Greet them with this for me please.
May it help them in this time that calls for great courage.

I forgot the "with all your mind part" The thoughts gone wild and terrified became the next phase of that.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Helping Hand

I was really pleased and surprised to receive the above award,The Emblem of the Helping Hand award created by Sojourner's Place as a symbol of help, support, and encouragement to up, and coming bloggers and appreciation, for those who mentor those new to the blogosphere.
Here are the rules:
Select 10 bloggers: 5 you consider your blogging Helping Hand,
then "Pay it Forward" by extending your "Helping Hand" to 5 additional bloggers, in support and encouragement for their efforts.
In passing on the Emblem, each recipient must provide the name of blog, or blog author with a link for others to visit.
Each recipient must show the Emblem, and put the name and link to the blog that has given it to her or him.
Link the Emblem to this post: Helping Hand: Much Obliged and Paying it Forward so that others will know it origin and impetus.
If you have not already done so, show your recipients some love by adding them to your blog roll, Technorati Favorite list, or in any other way to further let them know that their blog voice is important to you and being heard.
Add your name to The Helping Hand meme at my new blog entitled The Emblem of the Helping Hand and don't forget to leave a comment as a permanent record of all Helping Hand recipients.

Here we go: 1) Donetta, a life uncommon - She has been such a dear friend to me, and a faithful prayer warrior.

Thank you Denise...
I will think on these things and pass it on.

Marvelous Musings

Heather over at "Needles and Pens" asked of me this tag. Brought back a lot of dear memories.

Marvelous Musings

Here are the rules (though I'm not actually following them to the letter):

1. In your post include a link back to the person who has tagged you.
2. Post one of your intriguing, or shocking, or challenging passage of scripture from the Bible showing scripture references (chapter and verse) with Bible version.
3. (Optional) You may choose to state what you currently understand it to mean. You may also encourage others to comment or share on what they understand that excerpt to mean.
4. Tag at least 5 or more new people to participate.

There are actually two that flow together in my mind, unless there is a third that I have been yet unable to locate.

2 Chronicles 18:9
For the eyes of the Lord move two and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.
it have acted foolishly and now you will have wars.
Ezekiel 23: 30
..."and I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the land , that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.
New American Standard.

I so strongly remember reading this or the one that I am thinking of and saying "here I am God"

Many, many events happened after that prayer.
One event was five years ago, while doing errands collecting gifts for an adopted family at Christmastime.
Check out the flag.
It says "wise men still seek Him"
This car was hit by another car going in access of 120 mph the trunk opened with a key. Non of the gifts for the needy family were even broken. The impact lifted this car and turned 180* laying it down in the middle of the intersection. It was in a far right hand lane at the light.
The other car was thrown just off course and came to rest at the curb with the drivers side tires against the curb. Feet before impacting many people at the gas punps.
I was at my second to the last stop and I heard in my spirit. " your going to be in a car accident" and I knew it was my Father Gods voice....I thanked him that he took such good care of me and just forgot all about it. I floated through the last visit as my friends commented how I was so "high" in Joy. then I left the place. Moments later my car was hit by a guy who fell asleep at the wheel. 120+ mph. My car was used to save the lives of many children on one side at a tree lot, and many many families on the other corner who were pumping gas.
It put me out for 9 months may have played a part in the brain trauma, but it saved lives and it led another man who was my therapist to a knowledge of Christ. "he said" I have met only less than a hand full of people who showed Christ in their lives, you are the only one who is among them who is not my religion". He was within a religion that was without Grace.

It inconvenienced my family terribly, It cost us thousands of dollars (that were all provided).
It caused many Christian who loved me to question God and his divinity.
It honored me. Now you may think the hardest part was all the pain, or perhaps the brain injury...The difficulty that I watched my children and family go through.
The hardest part was the lack of understanding around me that what I experienced was a privilege. It was the most gracious gift I have ever been given. For lives that would of been snuffed out by fire were save.

When I was a child and saw the life of my friend snuffed out by fire (murdered)I was morally, spiritually wounded beyond any understanding.
Knowing that lives were saved from this fate at my temporary sacrifice is but a tribute to restoration.

A few months before that event I was asked by a prompting to go, go now...I went to Mr U and told him ...He said Go obey it...
I did so and by nights end I was holding the head of a fellow who was struck on a motorcycle right in front of me as I idled up to an intersection. I was first on scene. I had a cell phone that Mr U.'s folks had given me just a couple of days before. I held this head of a dead man who came back to life as I called him. Later many people throughout the evening were touched by God's love and mercy. Later his very Mother sat across the his bed, at hospital and wept as I read to her Psalm 91. She told me that it was what she had prayed for her son every day. The siblings were met in the parking lot as God showed me who they were and as I took courage to approach them They met God.
You see to whom much is given much is required.

There have been two other significant events like these...

after the loss of the 9 months of my life as I knew it. The inconvenience it caused my children and family and the wounds of those who had their faith so shaken. It is not as lightly that I say "here I am"...

I grieve that.

How I loved being there in that realm with Him here on this earth.
It is the sweetest jewel ever to be found the greatest treasure ever to be known.

I tag
"Shorty bear"
"Samaritan Woman"
"Little Red Hearts From God"
"Laural Wreath"
"Gracious Hospitality"
"In His image"

If any one else would like to post this tag consider yourself included.

Exit paper toweling

Every Morning 6 a.m. I pull off a sheet of paper toweling , lay it on the counter and proceed to make sandwiches on it.
When I am done the towel then is used to clear off the knife and then clean down the surface of the counter top.
This is better than wasting water to get it warmed up to wipe down the counter again before starting.
No dish (they are impractical due to making three at a time).
Then I sometimes wet it to wipe off a jar top or such.

Four old towels that had been repaired and now faced the next phase of there usefulness.

The edges will be surged and then those long ones will either be made into hand toweling or cut into smaller clothes.
I need some hot pads so a few will be used for that.
Homemade towels for morning.
10 of them each as the paper towel size, and 12 each of the elongated ones.
The blue towels were very nice in there day some 20+ years ago.
They still have a lot of life in them.
Where the tightly woven accent strip was I kept this as an after thought on one of the thin long strips.
It will not need to be surged.
The plaid in the back ground is a cotton shirting that was made from cutting down a shirt Beloved did not want anymore.
There is sa cute show here in the States called Rachael Ray
She uses pot holder like these. I have had my eye on it for a while now.
Four layers thick,. pocket for the hand on each end.
I'll sew the ends and then turn them out, put the binding on and then turn then back so that all raw edges are enclosed.
Similar with the little blue ones. The idea of a little hand protection is nice.
I have often touched the top of my hand on the oven.
Hazards of the occupation:)

See the big box of seam and quilt binding , that is what I found at that garage I went too. It was on Creigs list.
A fabric store owner passed away and the stash was given to the woman who showed me great favor. Each packet was less than a dime each.
This will also happen with the elders if shown respect for their skill they as I will often delight in passing the skills on.

Breathing Treatments, maintaine the equipment safely

Your pediatrician says ,
"he is having a problem breathing. You need a neutralizer...
Your stressed out of your mind as your baby is labored in his breathing.
So you do the treatment after gaining the equipment.
Unfortunately more often than not it has been neglected as to how to care for the appliance properly.
So why would you think any different than to wash it out and it is clean , safe and done.
Soap leaves a residue that when the next treatment is given will vaporize right into the already compromised lung.
Water is water ,
Water is a substance full of many other microscopic substances.

Reverse Osmosis, or distilled water is clean water. Free (for a greater part) of the chlorine and other misc. things that vaporize and enter the lungs at the next treatment.

Vinegar is acidic (3-4 tablespoons) , it with
R/O water soak kills the bacteria (if it is an infection) from saliva, infection or not, so it will not just be reentered into the lungs at the next treatment.
Rinse well with r/o water and then air dry on a towel.
It is important that it is dry for the next treatment, otherwise water vaporizes into the lung and can cause pneumonia.

Dash Hawk and I both have asthma.
He has a breathing treatment EVERY night.

Be safe.

Aloha Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday.

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

Today’s question is:

What is a skill you have always wanted to gain, and what are you going to do about it today?

If any one else has a desire let me know. Perhaps I might be able to pass it on. Now get on U tube, the internet and go to the library too. So many things out there. Even if it is looking at a magazine on lunch break.

If I have the Knowledge I will think of some posts to pass it along.

I know baking from scratch, think chemistry. Learning the elements and the usage of them is cool. It is real fun to play. Cultural studies also helps here knowing what flavors tend to compliment each other.You must follow your heart. It does not always turn out , Oh but when it does ...the joy. All these years later I finally got bread baking down. The hardest part for me was the fear of faliour and cleaning up a big mess for nothing. :)

I got a good one for you. Mix vinegar and baking soda...

Fondant and cake decorating is a hobbies I love I will try to bring up some old posts on the subject. Beloveds Birthday is coming up perhaps I'll do you a lesson on it if you like. It is so fun to do. Like sculpting. Love it. I'll do a post of some ideas of cakes I have made over the years. You can do it so easy. I know you can.

Learning to sew is wonderful if you can find a mentor at it. If ever I am able to answer a question for anyone let me know . I am not knowledgeable about every issue, but I have sources. My sister is a professional seamstress. She once traveled with a famous magician on tour for years.she did all the costuming. MILove is very skilled as well. She is one woman who sees something sketches it., go home and draws out a pattern and has it on by the next day. I am very much a utitltarian seamstress and dressmaker. If you need an answer ask. I will ask those to help around me. You do not have to learn alone.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kids had some cool achievements occure

Good Morning!
Stunned at the turn out of parents!
The cars were lined up all around the block. I happened to look over at the lot as I pulled up and saw the only spot open within the court. I pulled in had a very little distance to walk just as they anounced Dash Hawk to the podium. Them moments later not even two minutes Doves name was called. Just walked right up to them and got the shot!

Dash was being annoyed by a little guy behind him

Dove was so happy and glad to see me.

After asking the staff if they needed any help she said they need pictures for the year book so I took over thirty shots. Here the 6th grade orchestra is playing the release of assembly piece.

They all really did a good job.
I had to remove the pictures of the kids they had their name on them sorry

The kids both independently won student of the month, so there is a n assembly in the morning to honor those who achieved it.
Dove even was elected to the student council and Dash finished up his stint just before Christmas.
So Dove was elected by her class to represent the 4th grade students in a session with the principle to answer "how can our school improve".

A Day of first Bread and Soy Yogurt!

I will be discarding the bread maker and do it by hand.
This is much more time wise and I love the end result!

The flour was ground in the magic mill (grist stone mill).
By using "vanilla spin" the kitchen aide to mix then kneed the bread it saved so much time
I made a BIG mess!

I made bread!
5 c hot water
2/3 c sugar
2/3 c canola oil

6 cups flour
I used some regular flour
some soy flour
some rye
some spelt
some corn meal
2 tablespoons gluten
mixed well
then added

2 tablespoons rapid rise
1 tea salt
mixed well

another 4c flour
spelt and rye

heated the oven to 250 and then turned it off after I used the miser to kneed it for ten minutes I turned it out and added more flour via kneading and then put it in oiled pans, turning it in the oil.

350* for 45 minutes.
brushed canola oil on tops

Those are baked egg shell to grind and give back to the chickens in their food.
I baked it with a pan of water in the oven.
Nice moist loaf.

It sliced beautifully.Dash Hawk had his wings clipped today with a low fever and a hard nights rest.
So home today he was thrilled with the bread.
I am the one who had been so scared to do this .
This is the third attempt before success.

This bread sliced up beautifully!
By useing my long spatula to lift up the loaf, it slid nicely into the bag.
Thank you MILove for the bread bags. SHe gave me those a few years back and just today I made good use of them.
The meat slicer worked great!
The crust was a bit crisp, so it was important to go slow and use the next slice to finish the cut of the one befor it.
The loafs were oiled lightly once out of the oven with organic canola oil.
For supper we had home made bread
homegrown tomatoes
hand raised chickens' eggs
homemade mango jam
Oh How awesome!!!!!
It was a life long dream come true

Oh let me tell you about home grown tomatoes...
Well I never ever had one before!
That is what life taste like.

An attempt at homemade Mayonnaise.
Well attempted =

2 out of 3 is not too bad!
Prissy (the chicken ) laid early and we waited a long time for another "room temperature" as in fresh from the bird egg.
I guess that might have been a problem as MILove pointed out.
That is not exactly room temp.
It is a very very trickey process where you can curddle it very easily (like I did) boo hoo

I tries several times , but no success.
I'll give it a shot another day.
I have made it before.
This is finished and inventoried.
Some Catholic churches will receive your unused prescriptions to be used at the clinics. This for folks just getting out of the hospital with no insurance.
I found through St Vincent De Paul, charitable foundation.
I have separated out a few for them and some extra ace bandages.
That box is surplus supplements and vitamins, next to it the pink is empty plastic jars and such.
The first aid center is cleared of out dated items.

homemade soy yogurt
I made a double batch.
Look on the side bar for the recipe and instructions for the soy yogurt.


Thank you MILove....
She gave me this machine and it has 10 jars (an extra set)

This is a recycled Styrofoam box that Dash's medications came in.
It is my incubator for the overflow of my yogurt second batch.

A recycled pickle jar is holding the hot water.
It is covered in towels.
Three more hours then it goes into the refrigerator.
After 12 hours in refrigeration It will be ready to eat.

I had some of the mango jam on the bread tonight. WOW
I look so forward to the yogurt with it.

I gave it a taste at the eight hour incubation.
Very creamy and smooth.
It is not tart at all yet.
Needs more time.

Kellogg warns not to eat its peanut butter crackers

I like home made...don't you :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

eggs all six chickens laid today for the first time!

Dove is doing so well with her Braces.
I stand amazed at the ease of this process for her. She rarely if ever complains of discomfort.
What a blessing. With as such shifting and the degree of corrections she is under going I know this is once again Gods doing.
It has become a tradition when they change the wires to get the "bunny picture"
this was yesterday and she is doing fine today!
Pectin and sugar and fruit.
Fruit in the food processor , then just stir the sugar and the pectin in a bowl, then add to the mango and stir.
Let it set for several hours.
Can be used as freezer jam.

In pursuit of the best yogurt ; I made some fruit for the bottom of the cup, so to speak.
Mango, and blueberry.

This is the mail order, non dairy starter $$$$40. for this Use only 1/8 th tea. for a large batch.
Then if I stay on top of it, a starter of the last batch can keep the culture going and I will only need to use this if I drop the ball or the kids happen to eat the last one.

Mango jam

I grew these!!!!!!!!!!!
They are greening up on the window seal.
Is that cool or what?

The blueberries may not turn out due to the fruit being in the deep freeze a month too long. Another good reason to keep an inventory.
Ya got to start that inventory somewhere.

That is the equivalency of 3 large eggs a day!
Not to shabby for a home clutch.

Another day another migraine...oh arg!
I am so sound and stress sensitive it is amazing.
Somebody come take all these spikes out my head please!

Some how I made it to the school this afternoon.
With sunglasses on the whole time.
The teachers were very understanding.
The kids had parent / teacher conferences today.
They are each doing so well.
Dash came home with a strobe light necklace .
Irony! He calls me into the laundry shut the door to be dark and said look mom.
Me stupidly looked not knowing what was next, wham the migraine thumped in my forehead like a hammer! So the EEG will be real fun...They use those during it. I hope that gives them the information they need.
Can you believe it! Dash to come home with that Today of all days!

The tomatoes are ripening at the window. There are a few more an the vine and several billion dollar ones the tiny bite size ones. They are green and small yet.
My children are so understanding, I am not doing the best parenting today at least not this morning. I just froze up and got way too frustrated trying to get them fed and out the door.
Amends made , but I sure hope this changes soon.

I made some fruit jam for the yogurt but did not get any further than to begin sorting the laundry. I canceled my Moms In Touch group for I was by then on my bed head to the pillow.
This too shall pass.
I have bread and yogurt and supper to do but just am unable to do it.
You know your vital when the whole truck comes to a stop when your the gear that runs it.
We always have peanut better and jelly :)
Crackers if no bread!
I made them a large bowl of popped corn and they found great satisfaction in that.

Well I'll go tend to some laundry if I can and await my Beloved. Perhaps he can make up something...I'll try.
life is funny how humbly we are brought to our knees. It is really not so bad when My Maker gives me that extended hand up when I can't get up on my own. Assent. being lifted up. Lifting Him up. Ascension , pushing through the trial into the upper reaches of hope and trust.

I feel a short story coming on.
At least my head is not moving when I am writing...ha:)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009



Good Evening

This sounds like a healthy new meme for me.

This day I was so fortunate to get into the neurologist at 9 a.m.

I had called yesterday on the way home from the appointment with the other care provider.

I spoke at length with the Neurologist.

He stands in wonder at my survival. He asked me about the severity of my sexual abuse and the murder that I witnessed and as to whether my parents were involved (they were).

He then told me how the brain gets so damaged by the cortisol that it can sever the sections of the brain from storing memory and information properly. That felt somewhat encouraging.Perhaps that may be the cause.

He has actually educated himself on some new findings of how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can effect the brains functions for a life time. I must say it was wonderful to be respected. Although we may still be facing the big "d" it may not be that, or as he put it there are many types.

I had the blood work done today, a full dementia panel. They will have a person come to the home for a special test for the DNA marker for those who have a marker showing potential for Alzheimer. This is as he put it being through. I must lay it down. I am so ....trusting God (I am working on this here) trusting God to protect my health care coverage.

I will receive a call from the MRI department to set that up once the blood work proves I am healthy enough to have the contrast dye for I have one MRI with an one without the contrast. This is to see if the lesions on my brain have changed again.

The appointment for the EEG will be held on the 28th unless a cancellation comes through. I will have to be sleep deprived no more than 4 hours of sleep no caffeine!

How wonderful it is that I am so well cared for .

The young woman was so very very kind!

She went so far out of her way to expedite the testing so that I am not left in this unknowing for any longer than possible. Every time she said that word.."d" I just shudder and felt like it was trying to knock me out of His palm. Yet I remained there.

Once all the reports come in then I will be sent back to the specialist who will then know what battery of psychological testing to do. Depending where the damage is located. We will have to attend the report with him. My husband will also be interviewed.

Then I go back to the neurologist, the psychiatrist and the MD.

It will be at that point we will have the answers that I so long have neglected myself from obtaining in my disobedient fear for the last two years.

How very GRATEFUL I am to have the way of escape in being lost in the palm of his hand. Letting go of it all.

My big sister told me "Lay it down...If you lay it down you live in faith"

That is faith to lay it all down.

How amazed I am to hear that from her.

Perhaps she has come to know him.

My husband came home from his full time job with an offer from a company that wants to hire him part time! This may be the very way God provides for the savings and budget to get accomplished. We so desire to follow with our goals. $1000. cash fund for emergencies, 3-6 months saving of income. (Dave Ramsey Plan). Then we get to have a vacation!!!!!! the first in so many many years.

I am concerned of his absence and health.

I love my man and I will really have to lay it down not to miss him so bad. It will also call upon me to pull up the slack of his absence.

To whom much is given much is required.

A morning tea, just for me. General office supplies.

Good Morning.
Remember these little ring protectors used repair or strengthen?
Little Doves binder holes failed her. The binder is still nice.
This yet another way to use what you have.
Those of us with students benefit from certain general office supplies.
Anther great way to teach our kids what to use if...

I have been given the morning off of the service of Dash Hawks lunch preparations.
He is busy over at the counter while I sit her and type, (sit on my hands so to speak.)
He is so happy, singing a song with the trombone noises and and I think I hear a tuba too.
So sweet.
I was given the lyrics.
"galumph went the little green frog
galumph went the little green frog one day
galumph went the little green frog"
Mercy is mine in his simple morning charm.

A morning tea just for me.
The delicate rim of my china cup.
This is the pattern of my youth.
The set I choose so many many years ago.
Summer chens (sp?)

Jasmine loose lief was my treat.
So aromatic.

at 9:30 I have to go back to the neurologist.
An EEG and an MRI is on order.
I'll have Dove to take to the orthodontist at 11:30, so I'll try to get to the lab for the blood work to begin.
I am hoping to try for the MRI after my Mr gets home at 4pm.
I'll trust God for the him make it happen.
I am not sure where the EEG will take place. It is an electrical brain study.

The kids get out at 2 again today so I have little time and may need to postpone Doves new bands again, until Thursday?

Well loving Little Dash hawk made a mystery lunch and I lay it down.
I lay down my life, my day and the outcome of my journey.
It all belongs to my Maker and nothing I do will remove or add to that , except to simply obey.

Please remember "shorty bear today"
Life a great challenge for her each day.

Off to tend my young ones. Dash is out of the kitchen.
Dove is up.
That was really nice just to trust him.
I got a big mess to clean up :)

Older women likewise teach the younger women...

• how to love their husbands
• how to love their children
• how to be self-controlled
• how to be pure
• how to be keepers at home
• how to be kind and submissive (not subservient) to their own husbands. (See Titus 2:3-5)

Blog Archive

By Maya Angelou

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean living,'
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain...
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Words have power. Here are a few of my favorite sayings.

  • A warm cup of tea is like a cuddle with a friend.
  • The North American Indians have a more eloquent word for ‘friend’ than we do in English. In their language, the word for friend literally means, “the one who carries my sorrows on his back.”
  • Return with Honor
  • The sage anticipates things that are difficult while they are easy, and does things that would become great while they are small. All difficult things in the world are sure to arise from a previous state in which they were easy, and all great things from one in which they were small. Therefore the sage, while he never does what is great, is able on that account to accomplish the greatest things."
  • “Live so that when your children hear these words they think of you… Fairness Caring Integrity Honesty Love Trust.”
  • "O Lord help my words to be gracious and tender today, for tomarrow I may have to eat them."
  • "No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes"
Daily Blessing
Sunday March 30, 2025

Today's Verse:
   If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
To The Ends Of The Earth
Sisters by Heart

Click here for all crafts

e patterns My sister told me of this site

Please pray for her parents and family

Please pray for her parents and family
Amy has clicked her heals and flown to her real home. There is no place like home.

This was given to me for the third time in just a few weeks.

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
"For the LORD your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song."

Thank You Ross

Getting to know Me

What warm hearts you all offer

Thank you all for the kindness you have shown me with every Award. I am embraced. You Are a blessing.

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Annette they are beautiful
Thank You Annette
neno award from Kat

Autism Awareness