MeMe To The 5th
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True to the MEME I did not even know what was being down loaded until I saw it.
This is Dove She is three years old , it is may of 2001.
Dove is slicing a banana for a bowl of cheerios.
A simpler time.
We were awaiting the adoption of Dash.
At this time Dove was our only child.
We had started and stopped Dash's adoption.
It was a time where we were finally settled.
Dove's therapy was easing off.
She had gained her health.
She was only doing therapy one time per week (15 miles one way), as opposed to three times per week all three disciplines.
Inside my heart was another child.
Although I tried to stop the longing and be content with Dove as an only child I could not do it.
We began the adoption of Dash again.
This was a time when all centered around Dove.
I had all my time and attentions devoted to her alone.
There were plenty of patient moments where I could teach and instruct her.
It appears that in the image I was showing her how to cut with her little bear Knife (we had to use special large handled tools for her to be able to grasp).
She had pretty severe fine motor issues and every day we would do things to strengthen her sweet little hands.
She is on a foot stool I no longer have.
These days were much less stressful times.
See the glue and the polish on the counter.
Most likely we were also doing an art project (getting her to squeeze the bottle) and painting nails.
I also see a yellow vial of bubbles, these were part of the home therapy for her speech therapy.
See she had to learn how to suck and to purser her lips to blow.
When she was in orphanage the bottle had a 2" nipple that she would swallow
Her mouth never really had the suckle response that is so important to later speech development.
The toys in the background were when the studio was the teaching room.
It was set up like a nursery school.
My experience at early motherhood was almost more like a career.
I had to take my baby to constant therapy and doctors appointments.
Endless evaluations and instruction.
Becoming an advocate was thrust upon me.
I had to understand clearly her special needs so that I could educated Daddy Man and the others around us.
Often at the ridicule and doubt of those involved around us.
It was the hardest job that I have ever loved!
She had gained so much ground by this image that she was almost congruant, only 6 months behind developmentally.
I did the meme.... Come take a little look! Thanks so much! Hugs!
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