Menu Plan Monday
Good Morning!
This week is going to be a full one.
It is the last week of the kids school.
I played around on this site for some ideas this week.
It can always be found on my side bar under other blogs
It is a list of 100 copy cat restaurant recipes.
We harvested onion this last week so it is in good order to make up some
Mongolian Beef out of the harvest and the flank steak I found on sale and froze.
This week I am piggy backing on the menu
It is when the meals prepared while have aspects that will be carried onto the next meal.
It really saves prep time if you say cut the scallions tho do two days at one time.
Or thaw the meats that will be used for more than one recipe, if possible cook them up and have them pre-cooked the next meal.
We are going Asian and Mexican this week.
With a bit of breakfast flair added in.
It is very hot here and the fresh produce from the garden is in time for the dishes.
Cooking in season if from your garden or the store is very economical.
I'll wax Italian another week
"Enjoy your dinner"
a sweet waiter at a Asian restaurant always said that, it became a family standby comment in the early years. Always brought a smile at the remembrance of the fellow.
I love piggy backing but I don't do it nearly enough.
I am coming to YOUR house every night this week for dinner! How about that!!!!! I am so tired of cooking and all we eat is salad!!!! HA...... I am on this RAW diet and it makes it real easy except for cooking for my Mom and Dad...... They have never eaten anything raw..... they eat junk food and it is such a temptation when I fix mashed potatoes and meat loaf and gravy and cream corn for them!!!!!! I have to go and eat a big orange and drink a BIG glass of water before I start..... because if I ever get my mouth wrapped around those mashed potatoes and gravy it is Katie bar the door!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss you!!!!!!!!!
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