My Pantry staple herbs, spices and thickeners
Over at "Down to earth" we were having a conversation about "The best , fast easy healthy meals.
For many years "This mind of mine", has found great pleasures
in figuring out how others do it so I can do it for myself.
For many years "This mind of mine", has found great pleasures
in figuring out how others do it so I can do it for myself.
click on image to enlarge
This is just one of the many sheets of information I keep inside the doors of my kitchen
If you go to any fine restaurant you may also find the tricks listed for those still under study of the chef.
Remember the old "fried chicken with the secrete spices"...?
This is my weapon of choice.
Freedom from the mundane.
In my pantry you can see the scale of my intentions.
Notice the large containers. I am not fulling around here. This is a production kitchen.
How do I get away with being a homemaker?
Well beyond my husband having a good job, (praise God) , I too have my job.
This work does take time and a great deal of effort.
I, however, can get away with dealing with the boss of the kitchen (me) on those days when I do not "feel" like doing my job.
These are the tools of my trade.
Perhaps a bit too dependent on the source to acquire, but non the less a great resource.
Note the tubs...These are my big secrete. By buying herbs in bulk and then refilling the large containers...walla! at the 10 Th of the cost I equip the kitchen to serve me in my tasks.
Many of these items are thickeners.
Most homes have the old standard of corn starch. I believe in variety.
agar agar
potato flakes
tapioca flour
Arrow root powder
and many others...They each have there good uses.
This my friends is kitchen science.
Fun to learn stuff.
This is where the extra ones are stored.
Every now and then stores will discontinue due to packaging changes.
Store shelf space is a premium so if something does not sell it is often clearance.
Just be sure to check expiration dates.
some of the sweeteners like
corn syrup
brown rice syrup
I have tins of things that are homemade mixes.
the Quick tin is a cocoa coffee made with instant coffee.
I made it for a camping trip.
the pudding Mates is a mix I use with tofu to make a rich pudding in a hurry for the children after school. It is milk free and the children get a high dose of protein they think it is just a treat.
I will often buy herbs in the solid form and grind them myself. You get more by volume and it is cheeper to get better herbs. Once they are ground they age. So if your able get a coffer grinder just for your herbs. It is a great investment. Folks are lazy and whole herbs will often be clearenced out with perfectly good dates because they are just using up valuable store shelf space.
Now when I make a recipe of large variety of herbs salt, and dried veggies this
I use this big boy.
The fine dust in a dish removes texture that is often an issue with kids.
It is at my right hand.
At times I will add all of the herbs say for taco mix and the thickeners and dried onion.
Fine grind it in this, and then have a large jar of it to use for a month.
Grab one jar taco in a hurry.
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