Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

The kids are playing school. The girls just taught Dash to carry in order to add 62+62 They are having fun.
Yesterday on the way home from the doctors I took the kids through the reservation. Dee had never witnessed cotton growing before and was stunned. I was looking for a place to pull over so the kids could walk over for a closer look. We did so but found that we had to get back into the truck in a hurry. There are a lot of dogs on the reservation.
I drove up a way and they all got out. We talked about slavery. The center bud has very sharp dry leaves that would cut he hands of the pickers. The balls of cotton have the seeds in them . The seeds are very sticky. The kids played with the cotton removing the seed the whole drive home.
The dogs are now outside dogs. I have now the freedom to open my bedroom door in the night without a boomerang of a 90 pound lab to play the drums with his tail on every wall Wow freedom! The floors are visible as well. They stopped growing the daily balls of fir. The animals look so pretty lying on the lawn. I am no longer their slave.
Due to that great hall of sewing things from that garage I had just what I needed to make the quilt for the baby.
A family portrait taken for the adoption party for the closing of the agency. I made all the workers a scrap book page and we each signed it thanking them. I love my little family and am so grateful that I was able to adopt my children.
The leaves of the zucchini are huge! With 4 inch fruit on them.

The flowers are amazingly beautiful!
I am hoping to get to this project soon. I got this boarder for around a $1. a roll! I have had it for some time now. I may get it up on Saturday.
The wild birds are hungry.My sweet Mr U. stopped and got a large bag of seed to fill the feeders. I need to open it and fill up the feeders today.
I may get this at another time.

Now I do have my eye on this... for Dove and I love Plums.

This is a bigger cost, but older tree... so I will have to consider the cost ratio.

This is a longed for tree. I had one of these at the other estate ( I called it "Bird Haven Manor") and I grew them for jelly. Every year it was what I would give my friends and neighbors along with home grown navel oranges for Christmas.

The apple tree.

The children look most forward to this.
They are more like a crab apple and are great for applesauce or pies and such. It is the one self pollinating apple that will grow in my climate.
There is the navel orange and the lemon as well. I will need a lot of mulch for the planting of the trees. I hope beloved will dig the holes for me. I just can not use this knee anymore like that. I have to see how much the day laborers would charge me for it. I have a gardener that I use once in a while. He helps me with the hard tasks I just can no longer do.
I thought of taking them to the nursery but I just am not up to it today.
I saw this gate for the garden in august. Look at the price!

The bottom of the freezer box is the frame. We had the scrap wood. I think the wood was 50 cents a piece.
August 2008
This old plot of earth has come a log way.

The cantaloupe is in the far corner...Yellow crooked neck summer squash, zucchini in center right.
Green beans thrive by the compost, beans and peas to the left did not thrive so well. Learning lessons daily.
This is not a wave hello, it is a last second (oops), no pictures mom!
Did I tell ya...:) He does not like doing his breathing treatments.
Oh... don't let me forget to mention Dash does not like to do his breathing treatments.
Lord knows he won't let me forget that fact! :)
So "We" (ha ha) agreed,... I'd make his lunch if he did his breathing treatment.
The way to a little mans heart (breathing treatment) is through his stomach:)
I need to get me a tip jar and a menu.
Dash wants "bow tie" pasta and butter, Dove and Dee want tuna salad...Dee will only eat it if I put mustard in it (I tried it is was pretty good), and I am having a salad.
I only have a few more bites left.
I have spent all morning sitting here with this silly post forcing myself to rest.
Like I have much of a choice. My lower abdomen was hurt by the children when they were in my lap and my knee and calf are terribly pained.
I just thank God that the kids are doing well today.
They are really trying to get along well. No reactions to the inoculations.

They understand that yesterday just plum wore me out!, and they really need to take easy on me.
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Denise said...

I love the picture of your precious family.

Older women likewise teach the younger women...

• how to love their husbands
• how to love their children
• how to be self-controlled
• how to be pure
• how to be keepers at home
• how to be kind and submissive (not subservient) to their own husbands. (See Titus 2:3-5)

Blog Archive

By Maya Angelou

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean living,'
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain...
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Words have power. Here are a few of my favorite sayings.

  • A warm cup of tea is like a cuddle with a friend.
  • The North American Indians have a more eloquent word for ‘friend’ than we do in English. In their language, the word for friend literally means, “the one who carries my sorrows on his back.”
  • Return with Honor
  • The sage anticipates things that are difficult while they are easy, and does things that would become great while they are small. All difficult things in the world are sure to arise from a previous state in which they were easy, and all great things from one in which they were small. Therefore the sage, while he never does what is great, is able on that account to accomplish the greatest things."
  • “Live so that when your children hear these words they think of you… Fairness Caring Integrity Honesty Love Trust.”
  • "O Lord help my words to be gracious and tender today, for tomarrow I may have to eat them."
  • "No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes"
To The Ends Of The Earth
Sisters by Heart

Click here for all crafts

e patterns My sister told me of this site

Please pray for her parents and family

Please pray for her parents and family
Amy has clicked her heals and flown to her real home. There is no place like home.

This was given to me for the third time in just a few weeks.

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
"For the LORD your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song."

Thank You Ross

Getting to know Me

What warm hearts you all offer

Thank you all for the kindness you have shown me with every Award. I am embraced. You Are a blessing.

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Annette they are beautiful
Thank You Annette
neno award from Kat

Autism Awareness