Thankful Thursday

I am awake this very early morn, with such a deep compassion and urgency on me that I had to write it out.
I was so at peace now that I have "outside" dogs.
I was able to walk out of my bedroom door and give my heart it's needed release.
My heart is swollen with the grief that I see in the ignorance around me. I delight in knowing that I am loved and found myself so deeply touched to tears while reading Eph. and Gal. in the scriptures. It is knowledge unknown to so many and I am deeply thankful that I have the light of that freedom shining over my life.
I am thankful for clarity this morning as my mind is much sharper on my new medication. I am ready to go rest some more now.
Good Morning!
After an hour and a half more rest...
We are off I had a half an hour just holding my children of the sofa before the extra charge arrived. She too is special needs (emotionally abused badly by a male figure in her moms former life).
They are all calmly playing outside.
Dash is not amused having to tack a breathing treatment, I was able to get the albutral in him. I will have to do another breathing treatment of steroids in a little while. The doctor and I decided we would introduce the needed steroids in this form for children can recover any growth loss sustained using it. I have to give him four treatments of the albutral and two of the steroids daily and the anti biotic and the zyrtec. After the 10 day run I give him 2-4 of the one and 1 of the steroid every day for the rest of the season. This will be his prventative. The advar is a drug with bad side effects (we choose not to use it) as is the singular (real bad for little boys).
I am so grateful that I have everything needed for him. Unlike so many mothers around this globe.
It is very temperate outside for the kids on this their day off for fall break. They are playing well so far togeather may it last.
Well fortunatly I have the supplies I need to finish three gifts for upcoming events. Also the curtins. So I am off to tasks. I can day so far. It is a beautiful thing seeing children , just being children. Playing with mud and making "pies".
You are such a heart blessing to me, I love you.
feel so sorry for dash. hope he gets well soon
Praying for Dash - and for you.
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