On Learning.
Scribits is hosting another write away contest
On Learning
Understanding is the beginning of knowledge. How many of us even begin to understand the world around us. The lives lived in an arms reach, at a cries sound or adversaries bomb. How do we understand even our own journey? Where do we begin to gain understanding?
It is in living that understanding begins to be experienced for those who wonder… WHY …What…Where...When...Who…How? It is in the questions we ask that the understanding might be gained, about our own hearts and the hearts of others. Our questions as to how the elements function or the music is made. Judgments about the people in our communities and even our world discerned appropriately.
Once we begin to have eyes open. Once we see past a boxed view of what “we think, we know” can a thing become understood. When we begin to experience life we gain understanding if we quest to query. Listening to the experiences of others and truly hearing what it is they have experienced; goes far toward obtaining a more global view. It is in that global connectedness that we gain so much. It is in listening past words to the hearts of those who share what they have known. It is in listening without the need to correct, but just with the query to understand “why”.
Mastering the art of understanding intentionally is the beginning of knowledge. When knowledge gain becomes level upon level into a life of intentional action and purpose one can then, and only then, begin to form Wisdom. For wisdom is the implementation all of the knowledge gained through ones quest for understanding.
One must ask themselves why quest after it? For many it might be in the greed of gain, or power or position. All these things have been driving forces though out humanity. I prefer to set my course for the gain of compassion. It is my belief that to quest after wisdom and all it might gain me, for any other reason, would to be to end my course with ignorance. For if I was to gain everything and yet not know what it is to LOVE, to practice true unconditional love (not that I have attained that level of wisdom, I fall far short of it) I end up a fool. It is often forgotten to offer this to our own self and to those we both know as well as the stranger. In a greater understanding of our own hearts and the experiences (wounds and joys) that form us,can freedom be gained. Without this motive I have not only lost all that I made effort for, but I have lost anything I might have gained. For any and all gain can and is often lost in an instant. To have understanding that leads to the depth of wisdom, found in compassion, the gain will be something that can never be lost. That would be a vast reward
The education of facts helps in knowledge but unless those facts can be applied with compassion they become hollow and as empty as those who are so filled with them can sometimes become.
As we learn and teach others may this be the foundation for the educations we seek.
Why do ants go under ground to get out of the rain? When you have understanding you quickly see that is really is no wonder. It will make perfect since. Then you will begin to understand the life of an ant, or the life of another man. In this hatred and prejudice are defeated. Peace is the gain.
Now as for common sence, it has lost the commonality for so few seek to understand.
By Donetta
You truly bless my heart and soul my friend.
Very eloquently put Donetta.
I especially liked this part...
For any and all gain can and is often lost in an instant. To have understanding that leads to the depth of wisdom, found in compassion, the gain will be something that can never be lost. That would be a vast reward.
My weekend has been a relaxing one. My mom's BDay was Friday, so we went to lunch, and her husband took the family out for lunch after church today. She took the kids to the movies Sat. and Lindsay and I went shopping. I'm off to look for a part time job tomorrow, hopefully by the time I find one, I won't need it, my husband's business will have picked up. Wish me luck!
That is a terrific cartoon--cracked me up!
And thanks so much for entering.
Very lovely Donetta, and extremely well said. I particularly liked your statement, "I prefer to set my course for the gain of compassion." What more beautiful aspiration in life could there be?
By the way, I have something for you over at my place... I know you already have one, but since you already posses every award on the planet known to man, I couldn't resist putting you up for a second nomination : )
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