Re-tarping and roping the jungle gym
I had enough to also make a table cover. Now that I have my patio furniture out of the shed! The chair pads were my Dads inheritance to me. I am so glad I spoke up to get those well used. I have been up very early to read my bible now that I have a nice place again.
This is the new cover for the jungle gym. I found 6 yds? of it for 80% off when the fabric store closed down. I still have the grommets to install and get beloved to help me mount it. This was a big remnant all taped up and reduced to $30. I got it at 80% off of that!
We re-roped the ladder too. We used boating rope to save us some trouble. It was pricey $40. , it is my hope that it will "weather" better.
This is before.I'll post the after when I get finished, I was also hoping to find some sealer for the red wood.
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