Canyon Lake Arizona
Sunday Drive
We got a little house bound and Dash has a bit of a cough so we went for a ride. We drowe around on the new 202 freeway and then found our selves on the way to
Canyon Lake
The Lake is drained so that repairs can be made to the Dam.. with the water level down we just had to go explore.
the shells were so numerous and amazing. The rocks were covered with moss that made them look hairy.
In the canyon is a little "town" Tortilla Flat... they actually have a post office,general store and a bar/restaurant. The kids had to have their photo on the "horses butts".
The walls and ceiling in this little place are covered with $1. bills YES real ones. They say $40,000. worth of $1. I suppose it they ever need them ...
We got the children some 6 shooters for $4 a set at the little shop, they were so excited to get to the car to open them. We gave them the choice of the shooters or the $4 to save toward there toys on the refrigerator waiting to be earned. Dash said he would rather earn the money for the toy.
The little one lane bridges were charming to cross. No one knows the rules any more and it can be a free for all.
My soul is refreshed after such a fun time together in the great outdoors.
HOW COOL IS THAT and yesterday was a beautiful day for your trip. glad you grabed the day..
oh me oh my....what a lovely day you all had. I soooooooo enjoyed going along with you. great photos.
What a wonderful family adventure sis.
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