Agile Archer and her red framed glasses
In answer to my hearts prayer along side my daughter has come a new friend.
A friend who like Archer (Little Dove grew up) wears reading glasses.
She asked of me to take her to the drug store. She has a pair of perscription reading glasses.
I learned after paying a lot for them that the drug store readers are fine. She is at a 1.5 magnification.
She is so happy!!!!!!!
I had her use her allowance and covered her the other 2/3's of it.
She hugged me with such gratitude.
You know there is something powerful about
a new pair of red framed glasses.
Archer needs to feel the power of who she is.
This is a real good thing.
The little girl we have been showing hospitality has become a "firendemy".
Archer was betrayed...She was really having a hard week.
Tonight she shines...Oh the beauty of it.
My daughter the most valuable gem.
She is fortunate to have a friend with a kind mother. Given my abusive home environment, it was the mothers of friends who taught me how to parent by example that I did not see at home. Good for you!
She is so beautiful, just like her mom.
Girls can so easily betray each other. I experienced that many times in school. Archer (she still feels like Dove to me....she is gentle like a Dove) will understand that little girls environment has caused her to be that way ad she will pray for her. It is that little girl's way of feeling powerful. Sadly she will not have any real power.
The glasses ARE powerful!!! You go girl!!!
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