Gleaning the grocery store.
Hello, Good Day to all of you!
there is an old saying "kill them with kindness"
Well yesterday in my anger about the melon vine , I found myself cleaning Doves room.
I had the melon vine at the table how it was around the vase roses.
When the children were in a few moments I asked mine to come to the table once there, I sat silent.
They wondered why they were to sit, Dove asked if I was sick.
After a few silent naturally emotionless moments ...I asked them if they had anything to tell me.
Dismayed it took them some time to catch on. Pointing to the vine helped.
They shared they did not want anything to spoil my (our) morning and Dove owned the fact that it was her idea. I asked them if my anger was that scary? They said yes it was. Lots of food for thought about my own behavior course change.

Busy day today.
I got groceries and then went to the school to take Dash some soy ice dream for his class party. They were having root beer floats.
Dove won honors of her art work being chosen for the wall at the school.
Grandma Look at your talented bedding artist. That composition is amazing for a 4th grader (even if I do say so my self).
there is an old saying "kill them with kindness"
Well yesterday in my anger about the melon vine , I found myself cleaning Doves room.
I had the melon vine at the table how it was around the vase roses.
When the children were in a few moments I asked mine to come to the table once there, I sat silent.
They wondered why they were to sit, Dove asked if I was sick.
After a few silent naturally emotionless moments ...I asked them if they had anything to tell me.
Dismayed it took them some time to catch on. Pointing to the vine helped.
They shared they did not want anything to spoil my (our) morning and Dove owned the fact that it was her idea. I asked them if my anger was that scary? They said yes it was. Lots of food for thought about my own behavior course change.
Busy day today.
I got groceries and then went to the school to take Dash some soy ice dream for his class party. They were having root beer floats.
Dove won honors of her art work being chosen for the wall at the school.
Grandma Look at your talented bedding artist. That composition is amazing for a 4th grader (even if I do say so my self).
I was so happy for her Esteem is flourishing like a flower!
That's my kid!
Personally I am impressed at her composition and dimension.
Look at the depth in the back ground green and the foreground with the lighter tone.
The creature looks like he is sitting on a limb and awaiting a treat.
I just got off the phone with the Vice President of the PTA.
(It happens that she was the sweet woman who covered me yesterday when I left the kids in the art room when Mrs. "T" was still doing her conference.)
She was surprised when she realized it was me. She was happy to have me. Some of the ideas I have pleased her. I will bring my own easel to show the posters on, as to intrigue the kids more than it just being clipped up on the white board.
She has asked me to be one of the Art Master Piece instructors for the Elementary School.
I have a good friend ( Hi Trisha) who serve in this volunteer capacity in the East Valley and she has told me a lot about it. I signed a sheet saying I was interested at the first of the year.
I will begin my three part training class on 10-23.
I will be assigned to my kids two class rooms for the first year. If I am interested in the position next year I will be picking up more classes. It is a 15-20 minute (twice monthly) presentation of art, the classics, to expose kids to the beauty and wonder.
I gleened the box of scrap for the chickens that the produce man gave me.
I found all this in it. The cost of these items alone is well over $5.
Kind is'nt he?
I have been thinking of myself as an old Character in a Book.
Her name was Ruth.
She married a guy who died and so did her brother in law. She stayed with her mother in law. She had moved to her part of the globe and just decided that she would stick with her and not re-marry.
What a friend.
Well this Ruth would go out into the nearby fields and follow the pickers.
The guy who owned the land saw her and had heard about her from the neighborhood gossip.
He thought it so cool, how she took care of the widowed mother in law. She was young enough to marry again but the two widows just hung out togeather.
Ruth took it upon herself to risk life and limb to grab the fallen food off the ground. Of course she would'nt think of pushing her luck by acually taking the good stuff of the crop itself. The owner told the crew to bug off, and leave her alone To be a little sloppy as to leave her a little extra of the good stuff on the ground. She gleened all day in the heat just so the two widows could have enough to eat.
Well that land owner eventually made a wife of her and gave her a lot of honor
for her heart was good.
She kept herself and her friend alive during some pretty hard times.
Well I been thinking about how I do that...I glean. It is hard times , but I have gleaned most my life. Grateful for what falls my way. Content in it seeing that there is so often a little extra laying there to stock up the pantry.
Gleaning the grocery store is now a pleasant art form of worship for me.
Today I came home with well over $600. worth of goods for $363.06
Gleaning the shelves (Fry's has some case goods sale on staples).
I have been hankering for some coleslaw again.
I saw the pre-sheaded and thought ,I'll just shread my own and save the dollar.
I walked a few more steps...Organic dated 10-16-08...Four bags of shreaded coleslaw veggies normally 3.99 a bag $1.69 (Just left for me on the field, it was even in the Air Conditioned store).
It is hard times now.
So be a good friend and go out a gleaning. Be grateful for what falls. See the wonder in it. The character you practice will not go un-noticed.
Just think of my produce guy.
I grow chickens and keep vigilant, and he notices. Like Ruth... I have favor because I am grateful.
Lets all practice a little more gratitude.
Love Ya!
I found all this in it. The cost of these items alone is well over $5.
Kind is'nt he?
I have been thinking of myself as an old Character in a Book.
Her name was Ruth.
She married a guy who died and so did her brother in law. She stayed with her mother in law. She had moved to her part of the globe and just decided that she would stick with her and not re-marry.
What a friend.
Well this Ruth would go out into the nearby fields and follow the pickers.
The guy who owned the land saw her and had heard about her from the neighborhood gossip.
He thought it so cool, how she took care of the widowed mother in law. She was young enough to marry again but the two widows just hung out togeather.
Ruth took it upon herself to risk life and limb to grab the fallen food off the ground. Of course she would'nt think of pushing her luck by acually taking the good stuff of the crop itself. The owner told the crew to bug off, and leave her alone To be a little sloppy as to leave her a little extra of the good stuff on the ground. She gleened all day in the heat just so the two widows could have enough to eat.
Well that land owner eventually made a wife of her and gave her a lot of honor
for her heart was good.
She kept herself and her friend alive during some pretty hard times.
Well I been thinking about how I do that...I glean. It is hard times , but I have gleaned most my life. Grateful for what falls my way. Content in it seeing that there is so often a little extra laying there to stock up the pantry.
Gleaning the grocery store is now a pleasant art form of worship for me.
Today I came home with well over $600. worth of goods for $363.06
Gleaning the shelves (Fry's has some case goods sale on staples).
I have been hankering for some coleslaw again.
I saw the pre-sheaded and thought ,I'll just shread my own and save the dollar.
I walked a few more steps...Organic dated 10-16-08...Four bags of shreaded coleslaw veggies normally 3.99 a bag $1.69 (Just left for me on the field, it was even in the Air Conditioned store).
It is hard times now.
So be a good friend and go out a gleaning. Be grateful for what falls. See the wonder in it. The character you practice will not go un-noticed.
Just think of my produce guy.
I grow chickens and keep vigilant, and he notices. Like Ruth... I have favor because I am grateful.
Lets all practice a little more gratitude.
Love Ya!
Wow, please tell Dove that her art work is very beautiful. I am so proud of her.
That is BEAUTIFUL Dove!!!!!!! I love it, awesome work!
Donetta, I think you will really enjoy your Art Masterpiece training. The ladies that lead it were awesome last year (when I did mine) I LOVE art & art history, I have my son's class this year. I look forward to our sharing info. with each other and talking about Art History more.... You'll be awesome at it!
Ruth is my MOST favorite woman in the word of God (except the Samaritan Woman) When I see Ruth I see a tall slender woman with beautiful features and a quiet spirit with water that run deep.. I see her as so faithful and teachable.. I have prayed many times to give me the humble spirit that I have seen in Ruth.......
beautiful blog girl ! and Tell Dove the pic is great !!!
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