In home child care issues.

I thought this would be a pretty thing...
To help out a Hard working single Mom by watching her little darling.
Put two forth graders in the same room in class all day then bring them home and have them spend another several hours together....Oh mercy it is not working out.
I have been doing my best to equip the girls with life skills and conflict resolution skills...
Oh I am tired of this daily battle of hurt feeling.
Dove comes home daily all bent out of shape.
I do not know who is playing who against each other.
We Moms stuck in the middle.
One Mom single with an adult son at home helping out and a 9 yr old who is so scared and troubled trying to make her way through the maze. She keeps a stressful employ and carries all the load on her.No other care giver, no hot water and a lot of pressure.
Another Mom with two special needs kids. One is an 11 year old who trying to find her way through. Hindered by her developmental challenges. Confused by all the mixed signals and little girl ploys.
I am tired of the everyday fuss and strife and stress.
Two little girls becoming young ladies with all the developing hormones and the emotional ride they are on.
This is like a made dog by the ears...
Now I am feeling threatened that the mom will retaliate.
Two mothers played against each other by two little girls who are each laming the other.
Now you know why homeschooling sounds so good.
I believe that we have to go through these social lessons.
I stopped homeschooling in part so that my children could learn these lessons.
Oh! the stress of the strife.
My notice given this is not long term in the best interest of the children not just my little family.
Just processing...
Would I be willing to take another child?..
The child is easy it is the baggage and challenges of interpersonal stuff that has been so very hard.
Update after Parent teacher conference. Once again my instincts are right. Dove is the little "Pet" of these two vying classmates. Hurt children , hurt children, and in this case my special Little Dove. She is a compassionate child who is easily made to comply. This has been a big growing season for Dove. Now it is time for her to become "Wise as the serpent".
I gave her the example of each of my index fingers being one of the girls who are waring over controlling her. Then she automatically raised her little finger In the middle I showed her how one saw the other using her as a "pet" and then the other came in and tried to make Dove their pet.
I told her each of the girls are hurt, they saw you r gentleness and were drawn to it.
I never want her to stop being a
"Little Dove",...
but it is now time to be wise and see the snakes in the grass.
When she asked what to do, I told her listen to your heart and stay out of your head. Her thoughts fled to fear and then I drew her heart in and she wants to play soccer at recess. I told her "play soccer". Follow her heart listen when she feels used and controlled remove herself from their grip. Do not stop being kind but do not be used.
She asked " what if I do not want to be wise...?"
Then I told her you will become a fool.
God blessed me with the wisdom today that I needed for this day.
I sought understanding and it came to me. The teacher and I spent well over and hour together when usually it is a 15 minute to the second conference.
The teacher appreciates that I see every kid as a treasure.
As Doves Mother she is my first duty and priority.
I can not save the other children.
I can only offer them Love.
I think you made the right choice sis.
Pretty messy situation to deal with
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