Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Good Thursday to you.
I am thankful for God's provision.
One way to rejoice in God's provision is to respect it.
We have "Time of use" for our electricity.
If I use my utility before 1p.m. I get the energy for less cost.
Today I am doing so by...
I wok fried the beef I made up on Monday, It has been marinating in the soy and vinegar .
I used arrow root powder (a corn starch alternative) to dust each slice.
Heat pan, Hot pan cold oil then when out heats (this happens quickly) place in the sliced beef fry until the browned side is ready to be turned. Remove to white paper toweling and drain.
This is set aside to cool.
When it is cool you can then refrigerate it for later.

Your oil must be hot! Then the meat does not obsorb it.

Brown it well for the crunchiness.

I will later clean my leek ,broccoli and stir fry the vegetables audinte'.
Add an arrowroot/soy sauce mix with spices to the mix as it thickens I will add micro waved beef and all will be served over rice.
The rice was cooked at the same time right after I cooked the burger up for the meal tomorrow and taco meat pre cooked for the weekend.
One pan two jobs (saves dish soap and labor and water) the pan still hot
(saves electricity) from cooking the burger boils quickly for the rice water. I added slivered dried onion and Susi rice with Braggs Amino Acids and Kitchen Bouquet' it is like a french onion flavor rice.
all cooked before 1 p.m. and will need very little heat to finish it up tonight. I have the meal half (or more made). I also have tomorrows cooked half way.
One pan to wash and the wok.
I am glad of doing this and being able to rest in the late afternoon when my energies are low and I am hungry.

I am most thankful to take the responsibility to teach my kids to take more responsibility to do what they are able. I set up a towel each and laid out the bread and the meat and clean lettuce for them. They got out the mayo, pickles and I plated the fixing for them. They made the lunch for them selves. They really enjoy eating the foods they make for them self. I then had them put all the fixings away and the towel was used to wipe off the knife and clean off the counter. Not perfectly done of course, a begining. I had them put away what they did not use.
Being thankful that my energies are up to do what is right. I am humbled that I am being who HE made me to be. I really love my carreer.
Yesterday I was very lonely and took time off for the evening. I was blessed with several items that we had asked for at a very redused price.
I spent a great deal of time on the phone with a sweet friend. She edified me, built up all the asualted places. Shared the joys of life the thrills of God's provisions in our lives.
For that friendship I am so thankful.
Fellowship where we ..."think on these things. The things that we have heard and sean and known in Him". I am brighter and the light is refreshed. My wick trimmed.

Call a friend today.
Trim a wick and help them to shine brighter.
All of hell is trying to snuff out the light within and around us.


Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful self my friend, I love you.

Michele Williams said...

What a beautiful list of Thankgiving. What a precious family. Thank you for sharing your heart.

JUST A MOM said...

hey you I ma so sorry bout yesterday I was feelign a bit yucky........ today i have a house full of teens playing a video game..... I ma aiting for friendship village to call me back they called while I was out.

love ya I will make it over oen day!

Kristi said...

Great pictures and great TT list. Blessings to you this day!

Nancie said...

Thank God for all His blessings upon you. You have a lovely thankful post. Friends are special gifts from God. Glad that you are able to spend time with a sweet friend who edifies you. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!

Unknown said...

Hi Donetta,

Loved this post and the photos and the kids too.

Great advice on how to save money and make great food.

Love you. Hugs, Lynn

Nancie said...

Hi Donetta,

I thank God that He enables us to meet through Thankful Thursday. Thanks for visiting me and your encouragements.

I am thankful to God that I can meet you and many others through blogging. I am in the midst of listing out blogging friends that I like to share 2 awards with. I have included your blog as well. I like to share Share The Love Award and Friendship Award with you. Do come over and receive them when you have time. You can save the images and upload them to your side bars or posts. And feel free to pass them to your blogging buddies. Take care and God bless you and family always!

With appreciation and prayers,

Older women likewise teach the younger women...

• how to love their husbands
• how to love their children
• how to be self-controlled
• how to be pure
• how to be keepers at home
• how to be kind and submissive (not subservient) to their own husbands. (See Titus 2:3-5)

Blog Archive

By Maya Angelou

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean living,'
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain...
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Words have power. Here are a few of my favorite sayings.

  • A warm cup of tea is like a cuddle with a friend.
  • The North American Indians have a more eloquent word for ‘friend’ than we do in English. In their language, the word for friend literally means, “the one who carries my sorrows on his back.”
  • Return with Honor
  • The sage anticipates things that are difficult while they are easy, and does things that would become great while they are small. All difficult things in the world are sure to arise from a previous state in which they were easy, and all great things from one in which they were small. Therefore the sage, while he never does what is great, is able on that account to accomplish the greatest things."
  • “Live so that when your children hear these words they think of you… Fairness Caring Integrity Honesty Love Trust.”
  • "O Lord help my words to be gracious and tender today, for tomarrow I may have to eat them."
  • "No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes"
To The Ends Of The Earth
Sisters by Heart

Click here for all crafts

e patterns My sister told me of this site

Please pray for her parents and family

Please pray for her parents and family
Amy has clicked her heals and flown to her real home. There is no place like home.

This was given to me for the third time in just a few weeks.

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
"For the LORD your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song."

Thank You Ross

Getting to know Me

What warm hearts you all offer

Thank you all for the kindness you have shown me with every Award. I am embraced. You Are a blessing.

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Annette they are beautiful
Thank You Annette
neno award from Kat

Autism Awareness