Vision care
Good Morning.
Over the last several days I have been noticing my vision is not right. We went to the movies over the Christmas break. My eyes are seeing sorta like a bad 3d effect, and my right eye is going up to the ceiling. Yesterday I had a real bad eye twitch in my right eye. When I told my girl friend about it she said ..."do you feel it right now?" then she told me that my right eye was moving rapidly back and forth and had been during most of our visit.
I could not remember the name of the place (another humbling challenge of it's own ) so I drove around and then found the place. I found out that the last exam I had was in November of 2005!
They would be able to get me in around the 10th of January, then she realized that there was a cancellation of a 2:45 appointment. My friend yesterday made me promise( ! ) that I would call if I needed her help. I called her and the appointment was mine. She will fetch the children from school. I stayed and looked at frames. I have to have my glasses so if I must I could go to a place in a near by town and wait to have my new lenses cut or for $8. more get a whole new frame and have these glasses as a stand by. My new lenses are expensive. I have bifocals called progressives they have no line. At 46 I really do not want to have a line in my lenses. So I found a frame that will fit my wide eyed face. It was within the range of my Insurance coverage so I got a $140 frame for $8.
I also got an appointment for today!
Well it is 10:30 and I just got home better get to work around here
I always do for the kids...
Bless you for taking care of your precious eyes, love you.
Hope your new lenses are helping you. Here eye glasses are very expensive and we have no insurance.
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