On life and the living of it.
Good Morning all
It is a fine morning here. Daddy Mans off with lunch and on his way. He took Friday last off and I had the infusion. I do not remember most of it. They had given me bennadryl and IV medication for nausea before the infusion began. Only two pokes for the needle painful but doable. All was a blur for the drugs really knocked me out. At one point Steve came in with a lunch but one bite of a burger, one bite of a french fry and a delayed injection of nausea medication...well it hit me hard and I vomited pretty bad. We know now not to delay the nausea drug even though it sedates me pretty heavily. The Doctor is going to withhold the bennadryl next time. I tolerated the infusion without much issue. A sore back and a little headache not to bad. When the globulin and the nausea medication met the vein at the same time oh it really burned that I remember:)The neighbor boy needed tending on Saturday and with his parents watching our two the day before we felt obligated to do so. I remember little of Saturday as well. The kids went with those folks to a baseball game. They were invited for a $5 seat. The mom purchased $25 tickets each without telling us until we were in for the costs, then by days end we had spent (they had spent for us) $80 on it because of snacks and drinks. I was a bit stunned. Glad the kids had a good time but a bit miffed how easy it is for folks to spend our money without even a say. I would never think to do that without checking in.
Oh well.
The budget a shambles. We had the car in and that was another $1000! The problem not solved. Then Steve had a crown break. WOW we were really hit hard this weekend.The assault on our resolve is on.
We are not wavering on our commitment to do what we know is the right thing.
That old line in the song...
"We are tired we are wherry but were not worn out"
Sunday church was a good service on serving one master or the other. God or Money cant serve both. So we trust and test it out just like in the instruction manual. We then drove over to the Grandparents. We had a real nice visit. We had a supper and then had to run out catch the store (Costco) before it closed. At the folks we looked at an image of the great depression. It was striking how desperation of the masses calls a country to its knee. Our country is changing. Me thinks that the days are beginning to come at hand. Those days when consequence comes upon a land well abused by greed and wanton pleasures without thought as to what the true costs are.
I am so far over my head!
Chores tasks and the summer days of a real messy house well lived in by my little family. It is a bit much. I do feel more strenght returning to me . Little by little I can feel it. So many many things to catch up on. The kids have only a few weeks left of summer and it is my hope to fill it with good memories.The garden will be returning to glory soon. Once the heat breaks and the rains come. Oh the rains dear Lord let them come.
It is my hope that this old blog gets a wake up. Sorta abandoned it of late. Lost my direction. This was started to share my knowledge with the kids once I was gone. That they might have it and others might benefit as well. It morphed into something else and has gone down hill from there. When I can I will try to pull it up. It is as I have become more introverted somehow. Hushed by treasure of the pearls hidden under protection. I have lost my joy. Do not grow wherry in doing good. I have. That endurance through the testing has faltered. Guess I need God to carry me on the path because foot by food it seems my efforts are making little progress. Just keeping my chin above water here. Lord help me I am just worn out. Yet I just gotta shake it and keep pressing on.
Donetta~ I have only been following your blog for several months now, but I wanted to say - you are going through some rough things right now. I think it is quite normal to go through a time period of accepting your new situation. Through these hard times God is able to build our faith and our relationship with him becomes stronger and we grow more into the person he would have us be.
I am so glad that you made it through your first treatment without too much problems. Lessons learned and the next time will be better.
"God will supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Phil. 4:19
Lisa :o)
Wish I could be there to help you through all of this sis, love you so very much.
Take it easy Donetta. I 've been your blog friend for more than 4 years and learnt so much from you. You are doing just fune. Take time to relax, and do things slowly as much as your health allows.
Sorry about the way the baby sitters overspent your money. $80 is too much for me.
Get well soon, get plenty of rest.
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