Laundry on the line and it is summer time!
Strawberry's lost the battle too.
Amazingly that out of season gift of a winter squash it lives!
It is now shaded with a yard umbrella.
Lost 4 musk melons to critters?
Then gave them to the dogs and the chickens.
The chickens thanked me with a 5 egg day.
The garden is languishing it is so hot!
Time to fold and remove
7 minutes!
The trick is to not let them get any dryer than dry or they get crispy.
If you do hang out and it gets crispy here is a trick.
Put the dry items in the dryer with a wet wash cloth or rag and dry for 10 minutes the moisture will soften the clothing the time is still much shorter than the 45 minutes to dry them in the dryer from wet, hassle well that depends on your philosophy
is it more of a hassle to put your makeup on and contend with the traffic and a a boss and coworkers?...well to some it well may be.
Not this woman.
I love the hassle of gaining/having freedom.
To many of you dear souls it is not an option, often leaving you nothing left of yourself to even think of contending with the task.
laundry is fast in the summer from washer to folding it
Thinking of you with much love.
Hi Donetta,
Nice walking through your yard and look at the harvest.
I am putting in tomatoes and ridged gourd. The okra will go in later.
5 eggs a day is very good.Wish I could raise chicken too. I am not so organized.
I love all the bread you make.
I so want chickens...... maybe next year..... I have told my DH that if he will put me out a line for the clothes I would hang them out! I love the smell of fresh air clothes..
You are an inspiration to me!
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