Sunday, February 1, 2009

Marriage Monday :The Surprise of Christian Marriage

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis

The Surprise of Christian Marriage

You might find it surprising to hear that I think in many way a "Christian" Marriage is not that different than a secular marriage.
That is until you might come to understand my perspective.
I see great difference between "Christian"religion and Relationship (friendship) with God through Christ.
It is one thing to be a born again Christian
and another to be so and to intimately walk with God.

I have watched that, each group will have those opportunities; every day of whether or not to let the hardships of life, or the offenses/sins/crimes of a mate bring about a hard hearten bitterness. Even if/when it seams perfectly understandable and just to be bitter.
I have witnessed it in the pews as well as the pulpit.
I have watched those who may not even know about Christ treat their wives better than many "Christian" men do.
I am surprised when wives are started at the unkindness of a new mate who proclaimed the "Christian" title yet be no different than any other broken soul.

Every day all marriages face these things.
I find it surprising how many well intended "Christians" work within there own power to achieve a standard, as do those in the secular realm.

In any union it is a question of Love.

In the power of our own love whether Christian or Secular our own love is never enough.
When we try to Love within our own power we falter whether "Christian" or not.

There are instructions, in the Manuel of Life, (the Bible ) that address us with knowledge.


Do you love your wife?
For her and for your children are you laying down your life?
Wives respect the husbands
honor one another
live honorably
To do good and not evil all the days of your life.

I find that in my marriage this the most surprising thing.

I am Loved.
Beyond his own ability as an act of His Will,
Through his friendship with his Creator, our God.
I am loved.

I am made able to Love him beyond my ability as well.
We are Made able to be patient, kind, forbearing, forgiving, long suffering,holding no wrong of an account.
Love is not a feeling it is an act of the will.

I love God
God loves Him
I long to show him how much I love his very creator, by deferring to him.
God loves my mate more than I can ever hope to be able to, yet that makes me try all the harder.
For I too love his God.

Wounds can harden a soul,
Friendship with God will heal them
My Friendship with God will help heal him, as he helps heal me through his friendship with God.
We become whole and that is sweet.
There are ways to avoid many additional wounds.
That flapping thing between our teeth is the biggest.
Another is the mind, for in it is the battle.
Guarding the heart is paramount!
Both his and my own.

Choices to be made every day.
Forgiveness to be given and received.
In Relationship with God,
these things are possible.
Without God we can do nothing.

If we are or are not "Christians"
It can makes a surprising little difference.
It is God who molds the will into the ability.
God does not force His will on us and as surprising as it may be...nor can we be allowed to enforce our wills on another.
This is a horrible abuse both in Christian and secular homes.

That is the most surprising thing I think.
Like just because of a title that does not signify the willingness.
Hardness of heart can happen to everyone.
It is an act of the will a choice to run into Gods shelter to avoid it to change our choice.
So many have been forced into hardness , by "Christian" mates.
For this he made a way of escape.
A writ of divorce.
We were told not harden your hearts as in the day of provocation.
Even if your pushed to this...or handed it, do not harden your heart.
It can then heal in the aftermath, if it is pliable.

Everything with us
as Friends of God will sway us to do what is right for we long to please Him.

My marriage is a union centered on a triad covenant to become in union with My mate through the Intimacy of Friendship With God through Christ.
I long to LOVE for God Loved me first.
I long to Love for God loves my husband more than I can of myself.
I want the best for Him.
He wants the best for me, for the same reason.

Dear Blogging Sister,
You're invited to join us for Marriage Monday on February 2, 2009.

The Surprise of Christian Marriage
Lynn at Spiritually Unequal Marriage will be our guest hostess. Our topic is, "The Surprise of Christian Marriage."
Fire up your keyboard and tell us something that really rocked your world after you got married. Was it a blessing? Or a disappointment? Was it something you were completely unprepared for? Tell us how you handle the unexpected in your relationship.

Then, be sure to stop by Lynn's blog and leave your permalink in Mister Linky. Afterward, take some time to sprinkle your comments around the Marriage Monday blogosphere.

Invite Your Bloggy Friends

Feel free to copy any part of this announcement and post it on your blog. I think you'll agree, the more participants we have, the better.
Hugs & Blessings,
e-Mom @ Chrysalis


Annette said...

I'd love too, but, I have a question and you can e~mail me back on the answer, can it be a personal thing that only God had a hand in in the out come?
I love comming to your blog, its so comforting to just and read.

Denise said...

Looking forward to this.

Joyfull said...

Wonderful post, brings to life the truth of God's love which surpasses our emotions and feelings with His pureness and holiness. I love the thought: Love is an act of the will and truly without God, we can do nothing. Beautiful words shared today.

Denise said...

Such a beautiful post.

Unknown said...

Wow, Donetta,

This is powerful truth.... This entire post had me rivited...

It is one thing to be a born again Christian and another to be so and to intimately walk with God.... This is the truth and the heart of the matter. We must have a heart relationship to even begin to understand how to love others.

I am always inspired when I stop in here my sister. Awesome as always. Have a great week and thank you for adding to Marriage Monday. Love and hugs, Lynn

Susannah said...

Powerful thoughts Donetta! Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today. :~D

bp said...

I enjoyed your thoughts. Thanks for visiting me for Marriage Monday. Hope your week is blessed.

Connie Marie said...

that flapping thing between our teeth, that made me chuckle.

I enjoyed your thoughts and I agree. My love for Jesus guides me through the day and I am thankful for that. I am thankful that when I am faced with the choices... to harden my heart, He coaxes me to be forgiving, longsuffering, kind, because when I hear that still quiet voice, I know He is with me. What an incredible knowledge that is!
Thanks for your words.

Older women likewise teach the younger women...

• how to love their husbands
• how to love their children
• how to be self-controlled
• how to be pure
• how to be keepers at home
• how to be kind and submissive (not subservient) to their own husbands. (See Titus 2:3-5)

Blog Archive

By Maya Angelou

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean living,'
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain...
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Words have power. Here are a few of my favorite sayings.

  • A warm cup of tea is like a cuddle with a friend.
  • The North American Indians have a more eloquent word for ‘friend’ than we do in English. In their language, the word for friend literally means, “the one who carries my sorrows on his back.”
  • Return with Honor
  • The sage anticipates things that are difficult while they are easy, and does things that would become great while they are small. All difficult things in the world are sure to arise from a previous state in which they were easy, and all great things from one in which they were small. Therefore the sage, while he never does what is great, is able on that account to accomplish the greatest things."
  • “Live so that when your children hear these words they think of you… Fairness Caring Integrity Honesty Love Trust.”
  • "O Lord help my words to be gracious and tender today, for tomarrow I may have to eat them."
  • "No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes"
To The Ends Of The Earth
Sisters by Heart

Click here for all crafts

e patterns My sister told me of this site

Please pray for her parents and family

Please pray for her parents and family
Amy has clicked her heals and flown to her real home. There is no place like home.

This was given to me for the third time in just a few weeks.

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
"For the LORD your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song."

Thank You Ross

Getting to know Me

What warm hearts you all offer

Thank you all for the kindness you have shown me with every Award. I am embraced. You Are a blessing.

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Annette they are beautiful
Thank You Annette
neno award from Kat

Autism Awareness