Monday, September 22, 2008

Menu Plan Monday, and misc stuff

Home made taco's

I made a new column on the menu board for "I matter to me" plans.
This will remind me to fix myself a healthy meal for lunch and to think about before the last moment. I also want to remind myself to take good care of "me"!

Other stuff :)

I found the fabric used in my last home. It matched my china I picked out years ago. I have had the china in the hutch from when we were selling the house. So with it in there on display...and the drapery I made gone... I hung this this week end . I love it! The house feels so much warmer in character. I really have loved this print.

I also found these scraps of fabric from the old kitchen. I am going to make a pillow for the sofa.
This is a larger, bolder pattern than the drape. I love the colors and character of it. These are the flowers on my china dishes.

Science experiment tonight. Dash asked me to do this with him. We got Daddy man in on it too. Then Dove had her curiosity whetted and it was all fun!

We taught about air taking up volume.

Daddy poked a hole in it and the towel got soaked and fell out.
The laughter was a delight.

My Beloved came in on me giving Dash a breathing treatment this weekend, he said I looked so beautiful. He ran over and grabbed the camera. He said don't move! The photo was a little different than he saw. I felt so adored the way he did that.

Dash had to have two breathing treatments this week. I am somewhat concerned for him.
He is so dear to my heart. I just hate to see him suffer.

For days there has been an ongoing game of manoply on the table. I had it put away today and they got it back out tonight.

Well the garden is watered and the laundry all hung. I love the clothes line. I worked on the budget spread sheet for three hours today. We are getting closer to our goals. We are reading our Dave Ramsey again. It looks like we could have some fun next year if we work hard to conserve and plan. I am so happy to have the responsible attitude and the follow through happening jointly. We must stay determined and see our dream come true.

It s late and I need to rest a while.
I did my homework with the kids tonight so I am ready for Bible study tomorrow.
I hope to have a better attitude about the click stuff.
My sister is settled in the nursing home tonight and should be staying there untill next week or so.
She is in a bad way with pain. Please remember her in your prayers.
All of you who are still out there are dear to me. I have lost my momentum on the blog a bit.
I might do a tutorial soon or write something. Just been a full month. My head swims with all that is required of me right now.
I am so loving it.
I will be doing service work at the kids school on Wednesday. Two hours with each teacher.
I really like Doves teacher her and I get along well and she was really moved when I thanked her for all she did for ALL of the children....
she said "Wow appreciation, that felt nice..."

Remember to thank your kids teachers tomorrow.
You home schoolteachers remember to show your own self some appreciation.
You are making a difference!


Amrita said...

Good to read about your well organized family activities.

And see what 's going on.

You know, seeing your photos, I was inspired to post photos on my blog and also buy a digital camera. i was inspired by you.

Yes I know one day my Mom will go home and God has set His time.

When she is gone I will be all alone in this house and right now we are surviving on her little pension, after that there will be nothing.
I hope my BIL will help me set up some kind of a business.
I worry about that. In India there is nothing for disabled people.But God will provide a way somehow.

Donetta you are a very sensitive person. You ubderstand the needs of others.

Aunt Angie said...

Donetta---I do not know how you do ALL that you do! You have always amazed me!

I just wanted to thank you so MUCH for helping me with my hunt for Denise! I purely cried when I spoke to her on the phone! I was so thrilled and overcome with joy that she was safe and sound. I continue to pray for her health.

We will be at the hospital all day...until our new arrival gets here! I can hardly contain myself...WHAT AM I DOING HERE! I need to hurry and get ready! Jeff will be back SOON from prayer this morning! It is 6:00 here and we must get a move on!

Have a BLESSED day!

Older women likewise teach the younger women...

• how to love their husbands
• how to love their children
• how to be self-controlled
• how to be pure
• how to be keepers at home
• how to be kind and submissive (not subservient) to their own husbands. (See Titus 2:3-5)

Blog Archive

By Maya Angelou

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean living,'
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain...
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Words have power. Here are a few of my favorite sayings.

  • A warm cup of tea is like a cuddle with a friend.
  • The North American Indians have a more eloquent word for ‘friend’ than we do in English. In their language, the word for friend literally means, “the one who carries my sorrows on his back.”
  • Return with Honor
  • The sage anticipates things that are difficult while they are easy, and does things that would become great while they are small. All difficult things in the world are sure to arise from a previous state in which they were easy, and all great things from one in which they were small. Therefore the sage, while he never does what is great, is able on that account to accomplish the greatest things."
  • “Live so that when your children hear these words they think of you… Fairness Caring Integrity Honesty Love Trust.”
  • "O Lord help my words to be gracious and tender today, for tomarrow I may have to eat them."
  • "No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes"
To The Ends Of The Earth
Sisters by Heart

Click here for all crafts

e patterns My sister told me of this site

Please pray for her parents and family

Please pray for her parents and family
Amy has clicked her heals and flown to her real home. There is no place like home.

This was given to me for the third time in just a few weeks.

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
"For the LORD your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song."

Thank You Ross

Getting to know Me

What warm hearts you all offer

Thank you all for the kindness you have shown me with every Award. I am embraced. You Are a blessing.

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Michelle

Thank you Annette they are beautiful
Thank You Annette
neno award from Kat

Autism Awareness