Boundry Training of Children
Greetings to you with hopes that you are enjoying a pleasant day.
Days here are full of many lessons. When you teach your children it is often you who learn the lessons. The kids are kids with hearts needful to be taught where they begin and end. I am reading and implementing Boundaries For Kids by Cloud. It is a core character development study. With boundaries we can thrive to become quality adults full of love in action. I was raised with few examples of boundary. When they were taught often it was a imposed rigidity that was way too far over to the swing of abuse.
Without boundaries a life is left with these types of difficulties;
- Inability to say no to hurtful people or set limits on hurtful behavior from others
- Inability to say no to their own destructive impulses
- Inability to hear no from others and respect their limits
- Inability to delay gratifications and accomplish goals and tasks
- Struggles with intimacy and maintaining closeness with others
- Inability to be honest with those they are close to
- Inability to confront others and resolve conflicts productively
- Experiencing life as a victim instead of living it purposefully with a feeling of self-control
- Addictions and compulsions
- Disorganization and lack of follow through
As you can imagine it is a time that love has to be pulled up from my toes. Patience is stretched so far as to make every effort to overcome my lack of training. I must teach myself boundaries as I implement them into my children's lives. Parenting must be intentional if we are to change.
These questions must be asked
- How do I teach boundaries to children
- How do I enforce my own boundaries with my children in appropriate ways?
- How can I ensure that my children will not have the problems with boundaries that I have had?
What better gift to the world than to offer children intentionally raised to be healthy adults able to practice where they begin and end.
love you, and miss you so much sis.
I love and miss you very much.
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